Goals of the special session
Discuss speech, language and linguistic issues in area of Human Computer Interactions. Especially human-robot interaction and spoken dialog, anticipation strategies, natural language processing, automatic speech recognition, speech synthesis, emotion and mood analysis, prosodic and phonetics, human factors of HRI, etc.
For paper submission and registration please click here.
List of topics
Speech recognition,
Speech synthesis,
Natural language processing,
Speech interfaces,
Spoken and human-robot interaction,
Anticipation in speech
Important dates
Paper submission: April 22, 2018
Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2018
Camera ready papers: June 20, 2018
Registration and Payment: June 20, 2018
Conference date: August 23-25, 2018
Main Organizer
Name: Ing. Stanislav Ondáš, PhD.
Affiliation: Department of electronics and multimedia telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice
Address: Boženy Němcovej 32, 04200 Košice
Phone: +421556022294
Email address: stanislav.ondas@tuke.sk
Name: Ing. Milan Rusko, CSc.
Affiliation: Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academia of Sciences
Email address: milan.rusko@savba.sk
Name: Ing. Matúš Pleva, PhD.
Affiliation: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice
Email address: matus.pleva@tuke.sk