For paper submission and registration please click here.

Accepted papers will be submitted to inclusion into  IEEE Xplore Database, SCOPUS and selected contributions will be published in the Springer Verlag Edition book collection. After additional review, selected papers should also be considered as perspective for high ranking journals.

Authors are asked to submit their full paper electronically through the electronic paper submission system on this website. The official language of the symposium is English. Authors should submit an IEEE standard double-column paper with the minimum of 4 full pages, and maximum pages of 7. The Microsoft Word paper template is available here. You can find other instructions how to prepare your paper  including Latex template hereThe paper should be original and unpublished. Please, do not copy from other publications, because the paper will be checked by the IEEE plagiarism detection software, and it will indicate if there are copied parts. IEEE takes it very seriously, here are all the details regarding plagiarism. If your paper is not original, not the authors\‘ own work, or submitted to other conferences or journals, or a copy of another paper, then the paper is removed at once. It is not even allowed to copy from the author\’s own paper. The paper may be checked against plagiarism at any time during the review process from submission until publication. \’Pay to publish\‘ is not allowed by IEEE, at least one author of the paper must show up and present it at the conference.

Symposium and papers language is English.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Embodied and Non-embodied Intelligence

Cloud Services for Intelligent Solutions

Ontologies and Knowledge Representation  

Industry 4.0 Concepts and Principles

Human-Robot (Computer)  Interaction

Service and Social Robotics

Intelligent Decision Support Systems

Intelligent Logistics and Planning

Computational Intelligence

Intelligence for Big Data and Data Mining

Digital Intelligence for Cyber-physical Systems

Mixed and Virtual Reality Systems

Digital Intelligence for Internet of Things & Everything


Intelligent Robotics

Cloud Robotics

Expert Systems

Symbolic AI

Intelligent Robotics

Fuzzy Systems

Evolutionary Computations

Intelligent Complex Systems

Knowledge-based Systems

Neural Networks

Bio-inspired Artificial Intelligence 

Machine Learning 

Digital Intelligence for Internet of Things & Everything
AI Supported by Cloud Computing 


+ new and interdisciplinary technologies with business potential towards autonomous and intelligent systems beneficial to our society including new BOT technology like ChatGTP3. 
