Workshopy AI v marketingu, reklame a PR
Mesiac september sa bude niesť v znamení marketingu, reklamy a PR. V spolupráci s projektom HealhHub sme pre vás pripravili hneď dva zaujímavé workshopy. Registrujte sa bezplatne na termíny 11.9. a 18.9.2024.
AIslovakIA is a neutral, independent and non-profit platform with an ambition to develop excellence and bring together experts and those interested in artificial intelligence in Slovakia. The national platform of artificial intelligence (AIslovakIA) is part of the Center for Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter referred to as "CAI"), a non-profit organization registered as an interest association of legal entities. (Formerly known as a civic association slovak.AI..)
The vision of the platform is to create a space for active cooperation of the academic community with representatives of employers, the government officials and representatives of international institutions or individuals in order to fully develop the potential of artificial intelligence in Slovakia.
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These recommendations are further developed and connected with the current requirements of the Slovak market, as well as the expectations of the European Commission through the AIslovakIA platform. This way CAI contributes to digital transformation of Slovakia and brings together all AI relevant actors and community. The founding members are the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, the IT Association of Slovakia and the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The Center for Artificial Intelligence - AIslovakIA representatives: Chairman of the Board: Vice-Chairman of the Board: prof. Ing. Pavel Čičák, PhD. – Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave Members: Ing. Ivana Budinská, PhD. – Ústav informatiky SAV doc. Ing. Peter Drotár, PhD. – AI4SK o.z. prof. Ing. Igor Farkaš, PhD. – Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave Ing. Emil Fitoš – IT asociácia Slovenska prof. Ing. Róbert Hudec, PhD. – Žilinská univerzita v Žiline Mgr. Michal Maco – Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR, Slovak Environment Agency prof. Dr. Ing. Miloš Oravec – Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave prof. Ing. Jaroslav Porubän, PhD. – Technická univerzita v Košiciach prof. RNDr. Gabriel Semanišin, PhD. – Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach Dozorná rada: prof. Ing. František Duchoň, PhD. – Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave doc. RNDr. Eva Viglašová – Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave Ing. Mário Lelovský – IT asociácia Slovenska Predseda pracovnej skupiny – Vedecká rada: prof. Ing. Peter Sinčák, CSc. – Technická univerzita v Košiciach Predseda pracovnej skupiny Rada pre vývoj a inovácie: Ing. Emil Fitoš – IT asociácia Slovenska Executive Director: Mgr. Viera Borðoy, MSc.,
Strengthening cooperation in key areas of AI between scientists, entrepreneurs, the government, international institutions and the society. Connecting with international think tanks, organization of discussions and seminars on AI issues.
Mapping of the AI ecosystem in the Slovak conditions, from functional infrastructure to experts or specialized companies. Linking scientific and business technologies. Cooperation in modernizing and ensuring access to the necessary technologies.
Providing access to a deeper understanding of artificial intelligence (AI). Actively reducing concerns about the use of AI through educational activities and providing an easy access to them.
We solve questions and find answers to various aspects of artificial intelligence and its practical use. AI Think Tank consists of representatives of the CUI Scientific Council as well as other invited experts and specialists, depending on the issues addressed, who provide advice in the field of science, technology, industry or business and AI.
Mesiac september sa bude niesť v znamení marketingu, reklamy a PR. V spolupráci s projektom HealhHub sme pre vás pripravili hneď dva zaujímavé workshopy. Registrujte sa bezplatne na termíny 11.9. a 18.9.2024.
Prečítajte si rozhovor s Gabriel Galgoci (Predseda správnej rady, AIslovakIA – National platform for AI development in Slovakia #AIslovakIA) a s Radovan Kavicky (AI & Data Science Evangelist, AIslovakIA – National…
Na uskutočnenom evente, ktorý sa konal v Martine, s názvom AI-klinika: ZDRAVOTNÍCTVO sa riešili zaujímavé témy, kde sme začali otázkou Čo je to umelá inteligencia?…
Centrum pre umelú inteligenciu / Center for Artificial Intelligence
Vazovova 2757/5
811 07 Bratislava